Wickedfrags.com is not connected with Frag Factory at all, completely separate companies.
I know Carl personally and see him regularly at local shipments, and he is the competition!!! And how dare you mention that store in my thread!!!

Kidding of course - fair question.
To elaborate further, I acquired that specific coral through a trade with Carl sometime in 2004/2005. To my knowledge my colony is the last remaining piece as all other colonies/fragments were lost. As this is a truly unique coral, I do credit Carl as it was his colony originally. I am the farmer of the colony photographed on the site.
I hope to feature/make available corals of some other skilled hobbyists in the near future, hopefully before the grand opening. As Carl now has his own business, as do I, it is unlikely you will see Carl's name beside any other corals on my site in the immediate future. If something changed, I will be sure to advise my customers. Thanks.
Originally Posted by shelleyr
I notice Carl Swaby's name on one of the SPS pictures. Are you connected with Frag Factory?