Another one for the "find someone to hold your stuff for a month" recommendation. I drove from Winnipeg to Vancouver earlier this year, and was actually going to haul dozens of pieces of coral, live rock, and get this, jugs of water so that the first thing I did when I opened up that U-Haul door is setup a fishtank.
Something in my mind (girlfriend) said it probably wasn't the best idea... I'm 4 months in my new place and I still don't have a tank setup - thankfully Quinn@PrairieReefSupplies is a great guy and hasn't made too much noise.
If you setup your tank within first week of moving in, remember, you may (will) have to deal with a cycle all over again, unless you haul water - and thats heavy, gets wet all over your furniture when the rubbermaid tote springs a leak. Good luck on the move!