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Old 06-19-2007, 05:45 AM
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ClubReef ClubReef is offline
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You get 0 tds reading on a DI only cartridge? I can see 8% TDS down to 6% or so..but complete 0? I can't explain ...but if it's that simple and you trust your TDS meter than it's obviously eliminating dissolved solids.. Mechanically I can't see how it can be complete 0 though??

From an 8% to a 0% drop means that all of the content in the original water is in the form of Ionic impurities. This implies that there were no Organic impurities, particalte impurties, microorgasms, chlorine, pesticides etc in your original water because DI does not eliminate these..only ionic components through ion exchange...see where I'm going here ??

Last edited by ClubReef; 06-19-2007 at 05:59 AM. Reason: Adding addition Comments
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