It's too bad to sell my tank and fish but i just don't have time right now to keep up with the tank maintaince.
90-100 lb liverock with mushrooms and sponge- beautiful beautiful purple color $5 a
lb PENDING (TC-51)
1 med gsp $20 (or free with large liverock purchase)
1 med yellow tang- $30(new price $25) PENDING (linz8392)
1 cleaner large cleaner shrimp $20 (new price $15) PENDING fencer
1 blue chromis free with purchase
3 clowns with host med sized gbta ($15 per clown and $30 for gbta or $60 for all clowns with gbta) Pending fencer
1 small blue sea star $5 (or free with purchase over $100) Pending (Saltwater Virgin)
60 gallon tank and metal stand $100 (must obviously go last)
lighting $150 obo includes list below
a)(spider reflector)
b)175 watt bulb 10000 (half life)
c)175 icecap ballast (only 5 months old)
d)also free custom moonlight setup
24 inch coral life 65 watt (50/50) light (don't know how many hours on bulb??) $30 (PENDING) (MikeP)
skimmer (65 gallon needle wheel) $50 (PENDING) (Saltwater VIrgin)
2 powerheads (900) $10 each (PENDING) (Saltwater Virgin)
1 submersible heater $20
water restant powerbar with timers $5 (PENDING) (Saltwater Virgin)
1/3 bucket of reef crystals $15
other chemicals (including prime free)
2 nets (1 big and 1 small) $5 for both
good magnet and basic thermometer $10 for both