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Old 06-08-2007, 10:42 PM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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Default Frags part 2 Van area

Well guys got some frags ready to distribute again. Pls keep in mind that all sales are on a first come basis no holds unless we know eachother then it's a diff story reasons are self explanatory also pics are taken with my crappy 3 megapics cammy on macro settings so the pics can turn out darker sometimes. No photoshop for these pics aswell as I was in a rush to get the pics today.Also will not be shipping Thx for looking Oh yeah and if you leave any comments pls make sure they're not bashing the thread if you have something to say to me pm pls and thx again.

Pricing as follows:
Green stag 3 sizes sm 1in $5 m 2in $8 l 4in $15

pink/purple zoas with silver fingers $2 per head

Hot pink zoas indo shipment, literally hot pink with blue rainbow spectrum outer ring and yellow fingers with green mouth Frags are $4 per head if you get 5 or more its cheaper keep in mind also there are only a few frags available.

Yellow polyps 5 heads $5 10 heads $7 and so on...

orange zoas with bright orange fingers $2 per head more you get the better price.They're the ones in the middle of the pic

Green zoas $1 per head the pic of this one is basically on the same rock as the bright pink zoos.

and a bunch of other zoas for about $1 per head depending on colour.

Next one is Red Chalice somewhat rare and well I fell in love with it 1st pic mh 2nd blue led 3rd natural daylight. I will only have 2 frags of this 1x1in $30 will also trade for nice encrusting, chalice,acan,favia, and maybe super nice sps

and lastly Bright Green maze coral to tell everyone the truth I have only seen a show brain that is the same intensity green as this one. Nothing in my tank is this vibrant in colour and the pics don't even come close to describing what this coral is frags will be 1x1in $25ea now I plan to frag this piece a few times as I will only keep half because of space issues 1st pic mh 2nd led

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