I thought id start a thread to show the progress of a friend of mines tank.
He`s done an excellent job of stocking, maintanence and husbandry here and it shows.
The tanks an all glass 120, with a custom back overflow and sump.
The main system pump is a Dart that also feeds an integrated refugium and H&S skimmer.
Additional current is provided by a Vortech, and a Tunze wave-box.
Lighting is dual H/O t-5 54w , and 2- 250w D/E`s in lumenmax reflectors, mounted on adjustable hangers.
The front of the Cabinet has a opening cut out of the right hand door to get a full view of the integrated refugium.
Ozone is dosed, but he`ll have to fill you in on it.
Heres some pics he gave me of it...ill see if he can update us with some more.