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Old 06-07-2007, 07:19 PM
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fishmaster fishmaster is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: campbell river
Posts: 174
fishmaster is on a distinguished road

Mine likes to eat all day long. If he runs out of nori, he will nip at my zoo's...not cool. I try to make sure he always has something to pick at. It's in their nature to feed all day & it's up to us to try and meed those requirements. Otherwise they will simply eat things we don't want them to(I'm sure this only applies to some fish). If it gets worse, I'll have to give it to someone with a fowlr tank. It would be a shame as it's a very healthy fish with good charactor. While we're on the topic, does anyone have a suggestion for a good macro to grow as food for my tang? Mine doesn't care for cheato.
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