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Old 06-07-2007, 04:15 AM
smellsfishy smellsfishy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Chilliwack B.C.
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Default pool water purification

ok so maybe it's not a reefing issue but water purification is sort off close.
Last weekend , like i do every summer I setup one of those 10' bladder pools for the three musketiers AKA kids. Usually throughout the summer I would clean and drain it(water the lawn) every 2 weeks or so and refill with new water thus allowing it to be setup all summer. What a pain, and wow on the work. So the question is, i've got a 200mg/hr ozonator and controller i've desided not to use on my tank, i was thinking hey they use em in the old jacuzzi, why not here on the pool.
Has anyone tried using a ozone to purify the water in one of these things, of course it would have to be monitored and used sparing so the thing/pool doesn't meltor fracture. maybe a cheap diy reactor, as well.
Any ideas, i had thought that if i added clorine to the water i would kill the grass if i watered with it.
it sure would be nice if it worked.
If it was easy it wouldn't be any fun.
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