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Old 06-05-2007, 07:31 PM
rossb rossb is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Calgary, N.W.
Posts: 295
rossb is on a distinguished road
Default FS 180 gallon FOWLR...Calgary only

Like the title says a 180 gallon (6'X24"X24") tank for sale with 2 rear overflows. The tank is in fairly good shape and cleans up well. Comes with a bunch of live rock (maybe 100ish pounds?), 6" of live sand and a fish population. The rock is encrusted in GSP's, mushrooms, some tree corals and the like. Also about 2 billion mini brittle stars. comes with ~ 30 gallon cube refugium, 40 gallon sump, 70 L premix tank - most of which fits under a 1" metal stand.

Also Includes
- lighting...200W CF 6400K, 125 w CF 6400 K, a Corallife lighting unit that has a 150 W HQI MH with 2 65 W PC's and 2 actinic LED's (and some other assorted lights) two extra HQI bulbs
-Pumps .. 2 1800 GPH pumps, several power heads
-a couple of fluvial filters
-Berlin triple pass skimmer with Mag 700.
-1 3/4 pails IO salt (160 US galons)
ALso quite a bit of extra stuff.

Price is around $650.00...but some conditions apply (Mostly you have to keep the fish and the system together ). This price may include a 90 gallon tank and stand if it is required to move the system.

PM me for more information.
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