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Old 06-04-2007, 07:45 PM
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Waxx Waxx is offline
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Default Marine Technical Concepts ozone reactor+ filters

I bought this off of Dave C in March. I have since decided to not run ozone on my tank so this peice of kit is now up for sale. He paid $540 US for it new and sold it to me for $420 CDN so I am selling it for $420 + shipping firm. Canadian buyers only please.

It's only seen use for 4 months (on Dave C's tank) so it's in MINT condition and built like a tank (I did not use it).

Here is a pic:

And the link to the product website:

PM me for questions or if your interested. If it doesn't sell, it's no big, I'll just keep it for my next tank. I just don't really have room for it at this time and I could use the money.

The filter on the left is a large carbon/water filter for post reactor water and the smaller filter on the right is a carbon/air filter for post reactor air.
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Last edited by Waxx; 06-06-2007 at 02:07 PM.
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