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Old 06-03-2007, 06:58 AM
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justinl justinl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
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justinl is on a distinguished road

I cant speak for everyone, but i for one, still respect you as a person Andresont. our opinions define much of who we are, and we are as unique as we like to be. no one has the right to fault you for believeing any differently.

I do agree that the concept of war is cyclic and in the end solves nothing at all of importance. I also agree that there are always two sides of the story, and that most hear only their own. Im not innocent either. I only hear one side, but in the back of my noggin, there's always a voice reminding me that the window im looking through can be viewed from both sides.

that said, i do still support the troops themselves. I even feel for the "enemy" who are simply sheep following orders. many would be shot for doing otherwise. I highly doubt any soldier actually enjoys risking his or her life and taking the lives of others (granted there are a few nutjobs who just happen to have a gun and a fistful of power). the fact that so many pay the ultimate price on our behalf is something i cant even begin to fully comprehend. but i know that that is something i will never take for granted.
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