Please note my comments below are my opinion only, directed to no body in particular. I am just discussing concepts and hypothetical scenarios (except my own experiences)
This thread made me not very popular person obviously. No one has to read it, but I appreciate the chance to speak my mind. Thank you Asmodeus for your regards.
Some may not like my opinion so perhaps it would be better to visit another thread for example about “hair algae ID”.
Well looks like I am the only one who sound like heartless, cold-blooded idiot.
You can chastise me for having different opinion if you wish. So be it, majority supports the blood shed fine.
It is so easy to blame, be judgmental and spit out propaganda, the bottom line is when you are training some one for war and being paid for or going in to war for money, you are the aggressor and they are freedom fighters, they protecting and we are destroying.
I have two hypothetical scenarios/questions.
# 1
· What is the difference between someone being told by his “employer” to go and kill somebody else on the next block, being caught and sent to the prison.
And someone going to the next continent killing a thousand, getting paid and getting a medal ?
Answer – no difference. Because we make our own choices.
# 2
· Would you not protect your family and your home if a big “slug” from the big gun landed on your roof?
Answer - Sure you would.
You support your troops they support their troops the result is MORE COFFINS. !
I wonder how mothers and sisters of the perished soldiers on both sides feel… proud?
We are not seeing a whole picture here people… We ARE the aggressors!
That is why every kid who lost family over there hates our guts and considers an honor to get the revenge! Do you see foreign soldiers running in our back yards? No..
There is no enemy; it is all being created by small group of people to make a buck.
Einstein many years ago had said: “The problems in the word today are so enormous they can not be solved with the level of thinking that created them”
We can not win in any war because all we have is few troops who “just doing their jobs” and they have millions to protect a country, they have no fear, just hate created by us, they WANT to Die ! is this what we need?. No.
So what are we doing over there?
What are we defending? profits?
What “freedom” are we fighting for?
Why every technology is being turned in to a weapon?
Whole nations over there are suffering …
I honestly was thinking that way not long time ago and back then I would agree with all of you. Let me share a true story with you…
I know how it is to loose people you care for … I lost 3 family members in one day. Two of them were less then 50 years old and one was 70 years old. They were stabbed, killed for nothing, by rebels, multiple chest and neck wounds. And I would not seek any revenge or would not fight or kill even now after what happened. “Forgive and Forget “ is good way to go.
How many of you have seen pools of the blood on the floor and splashes on the walls ? How many of you have buried loved ones before this was time for them to go? How many have seen rows of graves?
I wish you never have to.
This whole thing makes me sad …
Every body knows that even squashing a bug makes a difference! Supposedly people on this forum CARE for life on this planet ? How come you care for a coral or fish and not for another being?
My point is we have to grow. Solution is very simple: If we are to progress as a species we need to “LOVE thy neighbor” , if you love one and hate the other you are not getting it.
That is all there is to it!
I am not saying that I got it all figured out, all I am saying is that I try to keep an open mind. Every truth has two sides to it.
Everything that we are being told is about 5% valid. If one wants to educate him or her self he or she must go beyond what he/she was told in school or presented by media and TV.
"They" cover up the whole UFO thing, and real alternative energy research never goes beyond theory.
People who sell oil have a lot to loose and UFO’s are not using gasoline engines you know…The global worming is not caused by humans, all planets are heating up from Mars to Pluto and there are no SUV’s unless Mars “Rover” exhaust caused Mars polar caps to melt (Well this is for another discussion)
For example how many of us read any world news story from more then one source? We do not even have that option when we are presented with some TV version of any story.
Just go to Google world news and read about same news from two or three different countries point of view and you will get two or three versions, and they all telling the truth right?
Some one smart (I think Buddha) said: “Don’t listen to any body, don’t even listen to me, believe only what makes sense to you.”
Bottom line here is one need to know both sides of the truth to know for sure what is going on.
How many times history was re-written?
How many books were taken out of the Bible just to make it suitable for current times?
Every country that was involved in WW2 had said that this one country was the actual Winner!
So where is the real truth ?
With respect and understanding to all of you out there.
I don’t want you to believe me, I would prefer you’d take your time to do your own research and make up your mind then.