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Old 06-02-2007, 04:57 PM
Bert Bert is offline
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Default moving-need to sell all livestock

Someone came an picked it up this morning, thanks for the interest

I've been trying to unload this on the local LFS for trade, but they don't seem to want to take this much stuff. Asking 275 for all, would like to get rid of it in one shot

50# live rock
hundreds of shrooms, red blue, green, violet
pink/yellow zoos (4 by 3 inches colony)
neon green frogspawn frag
neon yellow leather
orange monti frag
Green pavona frag
candy cane 10+ heads
Devils hand leather
large BSP colony
orange/green ricordea
asst Zoos
Xenia elongata
10 or so snails
10 or so bluelegs/scarlet crabs
1 tank raised ocellaris clown
molly miller blenny

all aquacultured/captive raised except for the blenny and snails/crabs
pics at
PH 482-4219 edmonton


Last edited by Bert; 06-03-2007 at 05:15 PM. Reason: SOLD
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