I have the privilage of being an instructor for our Forces Med. Tech's. I Teach the Primary Care Paramedic program as an in-field Preceptor. My students have ranged from brand new (still shiny out of the box /I'm not really shaving yet) recruits to a Master Sgt. updating his cred's. I am honored to meet & train them all.
We Canadians now live a pampered life thanks to men & women who stepped up to serve both today and generations past. Some of my dearest friends currently serve, of have served in the Armed Forces of Canada, UK & the Unitied States. They have been involved in everything from Afganistan to Somolia & Bosnia. We never get to hear about the incredible amounts of good done each and every day by these wonderful people who have put duty first. Todays soldier, as in generations past, are there to stop horror. To help those who cannot help themselves, and intervene against those who would like to see otherwise.
I have been a Paramedic for fifteen years. I can tell you first hand, evil is real, not just a concept or old caption of some history book. It is alive and well today. The soldiers I have spoken with with duty experience have seen it as well, in many instances in forms that make my experiences look like kids stuff.
For God's sake support our troops. These people care. That's why they stepped up in the first place.
"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing".