Please All Reefers Read
Well as you can see the army post got out of hand and was closed. First off I would like to take the time to send out my regards to Androsent and Clint.
I do not get a pleasure in Killing people and would I ever get a pleasure. Yes if does effect people in some way more then others, But I have been lucky to keep it from effecting me. The post that I had was QUOTE ROlmfao Seeing the effect that big guns have on people" Was not to be taken in that serious way. Gools and Lando posted about me switching tanks. SO i posted a comment that Gools thought I was ****ed off. But wasnt so I told him i was joking around. So i redirected my post and didnt change all of it so in essence it say ROLMFAO and people thought that I had a sick sense of using big guns to do away with people.
SO my regards to all can reef reefers who read my post. I just wanted to take the time to Show every one what I do in the forces and what I will be doing over there. I Have 18+ years in the Army and truly love what I do. I hate being ripped out of my family and tranfered over to another country to live like a dog for 7 months. All I wanted to do was to give non army folks a look at what I do in Shilo.
Well thanks for listening Mike
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.