I like them - but can not afford them! While I have made quite the investment in the hobby, but I am not a rich enough guy to buy corals at the prices they are going for here
Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef
Yes yes...back to the Acans
220G, why haven't you picked up any Acans? I'm curious. You seem to like them!
There you have it from the store itself. Your supplier is doing some fine work getting those in - the demand for them is huge. And if that is the case I am sure they look much better than illustrated in the photo. And taking pics can be tough, it took me a 2 weeks top figure it out and get my TOTM pics. If you want any pointers using a non-SLR camera let me know b/c I have figured it out, well top-down pics anyways.
No further comments from me, and hope you did not interpret me post as an attack against your store, service, expertise as this was not my intent. I was really only commenting on the photograph.
Originally Posted by zulu_principle
First, the acans are from australia if they are mentioned as such. Actually a hand pick from a local supplier.
Secondly, the picture is not truly representative of the coral, really  Ill try to have a better picture taken in the near future.
I'd comment further but I'll wait until getting to know 220g.
All the best.