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Old 05-29-2007, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by JOSH View Post
thanks for all the opinions. The tank I'm considering building will only be 12" deep, 36" long and 16" wide. I doubt i'll require the lighting strength of MH. I would prefer to use T5 as as I understand it they are cheaper to run, bulbs last a long time and the bulbs are cheap to replace. I would like to keep mainly lps and some sps.

thanks again for your help
Hey Josh,

For your application, I would suggest starting with a two bulb HO T5 setup for your application. Trust me, T5's are BRIGHT.

I have 4 bulbs per foot and it's so powerful I can't keep corals in the top 6" of my tank. If your tank's only 12" deep, I'd suggest way fewer bulbs.

Sunlight supply DOES make a 3', 2 bulb, T5 Tek retrofit fixture that'd be round $130. I think that would be almost perfect in build quality and price. Ask around at the LFS's if they'd order you one, or e-mail and ask if they'd special order one.

Start with two HO bulbs with individual parabolic reflectors, and it'd be fine for what you're starting off with, then upgrade down the road if needed. I can pretty much assure you you won't have to upgrade though

btw how come most T5 threads get SO heated?
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.

Last edited by kwirky; 05-29-2007 at 05:18 AM.
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