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Old 05-29-2007, 03:25 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
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Well, the lord hates a coward, as the saying goes, so I might as well wade in here just a little bit.
I think that Fishytime asks a very pertinent question of Josh - what is your intent as far as keeping coral? If you are going for an SPS dominated tank then you will probably have to look at the more expensive T5 lighting systems can just skip that particular buy and go direct to Metal Halide lighting. There are often good quality used MH lights for sale on this and other boards and so very often I have seen people posting similar question to the one that Josh has posted about PC or VHO or various combo's thereof and then a few months later you see them with a post looking for a used MH light or posing a question on what kind of MH light to buy.
Just something else to consider Josh. Really think about where you want to take your tank down the road in a year or so and plan accordingly. Don't do like I (and a few others) have done and spend way more $ than you have to constantly upgrading one step at a time. It will really save you $ in the long run.
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