Why bother with TWO units? If that's the case, you can buy five Coralife T5 strips and place them on your tank. The 36" Tek Light offers four T5HO bulbs with individual reflectors for each. Each bulb has about 39w with an approximate 300% light reflection.
When I say don't use Hagen lights, I don't mean don't use HAGEN lights. I don't discriminate brands because there's a suitable light for every situation. I'm not knocking your Hagen lights either, so there's no need to project on me and assume I'm dismissing Hagen just because. You also make it clear that there are corals your light can't keep.
There's no question that the Hagen light is considerably cheaper and can also sustain corals. I'm also offering a biased suggestion which you seemed to take quick offense to. The question isn't if your lights work or not. All I'm saying is that with a Tek Light there's very little else you can improve in terms of lighting - with the exception being MH which is the next step up.
FYI, your SPS frag growth is impressive, but it's also being kept as high as it can on the tank which also contributes to growth. Have you tested an SPS any lower?
You can see the Tek Lights in action at Golds. They're on the left side of the tank as you make your way to the back. Any corals that you put under them have brilliant fluorescence. These lights are strong enough to keep almost any coral at any level.
Alot of fellow Canreefers own Tek Lights and have excellent experiences with them. Buy whatever is within your budget.