Originally Posted by Canadbis
I am interested to know more about the garbage can method. I am going away and am trying to figure out how to rig a top off system. What else is needed for the garbage can solution?
So far my Ideas are to cut the bottom off an 18L bottle of water and install a ball valve in some tubing so when the water level drops it opens the valve and tops up. but man am I scared to do that
I have my R/O fw going to the "garbage can" res. I keep the stored water aerated with a small air pump and air stones. I have a dosing pump connected to a timer(sometimes the sump's float valve sticks) and have it running to the sump to keep it topped up. You need to figure what the evap rate is and set it up to compensate. You are welcome to come over and take a look in person if that will help. It's a very simple set up.