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Old 05-27-2007, 04:10 PM
Chaotic Cricket Chaotic Cricket is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In a house
Posts: 86
Chaotic Cricket is on a distinguished road
Default 90 Gal System with a Car for sale

Hello people, I have not been on here much for awhile now. I was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, which is obviously terminal. I have come to terms with with this so please no I'm so sorry..I have had enough of them from close friends. I guess it's a bit of keeping it off my mind.

Anyways I no longer have the desire to look after my system and I wish to see a real reef before...well before.
So I make no bones I am trying to get as much cash as I can as quickly as I can.

90 gallon tank Starfire front (very thick and heavy tank)
Corner overflow.

Oh yeah it is currently sitting on a stand my friend had from a reefer he purchased from, his tank are welcome to the stand as well, black noting fancy, but appealing and very sturdy (if he cleaned the salt creep off )
33 gallon sump (literally overflowing with featherdusters)
Brand new (6 months) Little giant pump
250-300 pounds live rock
Two little fishys reactor (currently rowaphos)
various mag drives for other pumps(carbon reactor/cannister) and powering the skimmer (red sea berlin modified)
24 inch powercompact fuge light
2x150 metal halides + PowerCompacts (Aquamedic Aquaspacelight)
2 seios (600 and 1200?) Have to double check the exact kind, been awhile since i noticed)
t5 actinic (coralife dual strip) 48 inches
various misc things (test kits chemicals)
1 full tub of oceanpure pro salt plus 1 bag.
buckets (5-20 gallon) etc etc

Snails, Crabs(emerald), 2 very big cleaner shrimp.
Ricordias (green/goldish kind)
Mushrooms (green/purple)
Green Star polyps
2 small (not quite baby) Green Bubbletips
1 Very beautiful Gold Striped Maroon Clown (possible has a home already)
1 Yellow Tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 Flame Angel
1 Big damsel (Velvet Damsel)
1 Blue/yellow tail damsel
1 Puffer (Saddle Valentini)
1 Nice fairy Wrasse (exact name escapes me at the moment)
All are extremely healthy and eat everything.
Two sand sifting starfish
and lots 'o other critters...

If setup doesn't sell I will probably give it to my friends little son...he wants it, she doesn't....

I don't want to part out as I don't have the time or patience, as it is system was transfered to a friends house for the last 4 months as I have not felt like dealing with anything. He does not have the time to have people coming over for different things either.

If there is interest I will be more specific and will add pictures if someone wants them (more than likely right?

Thanks guys its been great

New Price is 900 Or best offer...I'll give it 2 weeks then due to circumstances everything will get thrown out...or left in some storage place somewhere i guess.
My buddy will be using this account and setting everything up for the sale, I will be gone probably for good now....I have a few people to see before my time is done and I wish to see them all.

By the way the tank is in Olds with a friend.
In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro

Last edited by Chaotic Cricket; 07-17-2007 at 01:09 PM.
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