Fishytimes 20g pics
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05-27-2007, 12:50 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: E-town
Posts: 5,390
I traded away another chunk of xenia( man that schtuff spreads like wildfire) to denbert for a small piece of purpleish star polyps with a small green striped shroom on it.Added a small bi-color blenny( thanks Colby for holding him for me til after my move) and a feather duster. The small "bad" looking ricordia (three polyps had a rock leaning on them at the LFS) havn't showed any sign of improvement, but I havn't given up on them yet. The remora skimmer seems to be workin good. Not even a week and its all ready startin to pull some gunk out of the water.A few more pics for ya. The new star polyps are still POed.
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