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Old 05-25-2007, 06:36 AM
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Default Float Valve Problems

I am going away for a 10 days tommorow, and with the warmer temps I am going through alot of top up water, so I decided to hook the float valve in my sump right upto my RO/DI unit via 50 feet of water line, instead of the usual 5g reservoir it is usually hooked up to.

The problem is that the float valve doesn't seem to have a good enough seal on it to handle the higher pressure and 'leaks water' so that there is too much fresh water being put in.

The float valve is a Kent valve, and the RO/DI is the Aquasafe Maxis unit. I turned the pressurized reservoir on the RO/DI unit off, so that the only pressure is the pressure from the input.

Does anyone have any suggestions to stop the 'leaking'? I have checked all of the connections on the float valve and they are as tight as I can get them. I cant seem to take the valve off of the sump though, I wanted to do this to see if I could clean / tighten it.

I know that alot of people have their system plumbed into their RO/DI this way, how do they get it to work?
My Tank: 135G display, 45G Sump, 20G top off. 2 x 400 W, Bullet 1.5, Snapper Return, Profilux.
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