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Old 05-24-2007, 10:09 AM
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corpusse corpusse is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 394
corpusse is on a distinguished road

guys all aussie corals are in this price range. Sure its shocking when you first learn it but when you actually think about it its not as crazy as you think.

The regular indo corals are collected by divers making 17 cents. I have no idea what the aussie guys are making but i know its a lot more then that.

There was a 15 year ban on collection of aussie corals for export this was just lifted. Who knows how many cites they will allow and how long the collection will continue.

Add in the extra freight cost and extremely high demand and you get these prices.

what would you prefer an indo elegance that is 45$ and melts on the way home or within a week or an aussie one you keep for 25 years.

If you have the money for these especially the acan lords its well worth it imo.
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