Thread: Heros Finale
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Old 05-24-2007, 01:33 AM
krish krish is offline
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krish is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by andsoitgoes View Post
[*]Furthermore with the shooting, although Peter can regenerate, there's something in regards to being shot in the head that seems to be the secret. Like with Zombies, damage to the brain seems somewhat irreparable, and the only time that the regeneration isn't immediate was when there was damage to the head/brain. Maybe that was the plan? Although I doubt it, as they don't know enough about the brain issues to say for certain.
Peter asked Claire to shot him in the back of the head/neck - in the same place where the shard of glass was. Since he didn't recuperate from that until the glass was taken out he thought he would die if shot there... I think.
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