Thread: Heros Finale
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Old 05-23-2007, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef View Post
I selected "Liked it" only because there was no "Liked it, but with mixed feelings" category!

I have the same problems you do. Why didn't Peter himself just fly away? Why didn't Claire shoot him? Why did that stupid cop think he could kill Sylar? And if a cop with a gun couldn't scratch him, how's some tough chick weilding a parking meter able to beat the crap out of him?

All this said, I still loved it. How can you not?! I'm also looking forward to Volume II. But here's the REAL question! Sylar truly dead? For good?
Ok, I loved it and this is how I read it.

Why didn't Peter himself just fly away? - Was too busy trying not to blow up.
Why didn't Claire shoot him? - She liked him too much.
And if a cop with a gun couldn't scratch him, how's some tough chick weilding a parking meter able to beat the crap out of him? - She caught him unawair, parking meters don't make as much noise as a gun.
Is Sylar truly dead? - Remeber, there is someone worse than him. He cough have taken the body.
As for the Petrelli brothers - Peter will be alive. Not sure about Nathan.

Now about Linderman - Is he going to be able to heal himself? (If he put whats left of his mind to it.)

Originally Posted by michika View Post
Does anyone know if they will be re-airing the episodes from the beginning of the season, or will they be putting them out on DVD this summer?
DVD is to be release in Aug. And the Summer is going to be the stories about the first group of heros, Linderman, Peters dad, The Guy in the wheelchair and Herio's dad.
Enquiring minds want to know…
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