Thread: Heros Finale
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Old 05-23-2007, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by SerLunchbox View Post
Nathan flew Peter away because Peter can only control one of his powers at a time.
And Sylar didn't have regeneration as an ability ... but again, he did have a freezing ability ... never knew he had it until the episode where he broke Hiro's sword. So I guess he MAY end up having some sort of healing ability.
I'm not so sure about the theory that Peter can only use one power at a time. In the episode set 5 years in the future he used more that one ability at once i.e. he used telekinesis while invisible when he was at the club with Niki. But maybe that’s something he learned to do over time. Perhaps the nuclear power took all his concentration since he was trying not to explode. And the freezing power was one of the first ones that Sylar got (remember the crime scene at Molly's house, her Dad was frozen).

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