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Old 05-21-2007, 12:17 AM
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Default upgrade

I just upgraded my middle 72" aqualight pro to 250W electronic ballast. During the modifications I noticed the following:

1) on the 72" fixture, there are two fans that are controlled only by the outside two lights. If the middle light turns on, the fan will not turn on. If either of the outside lights turn on, the respective closest fan will turn on.

2) each of the ballasts have three wired output. Red is hot from the ballast, black is hot from 120, and white is neutral.

3) the red and black goes into the ignitor for each light.

4) the fans are spliced in very close to the 5 bundle of cables. Fans are 120v AC so one wire is spliced into the black and one wire into the white for the two outside MH bulbs.

5) Replacing the middle light I don't have to deal with the fans.

if anybody is interested in a diagram to do their own mod, show your interest on this tread and judging from the interest will determine if I put time into an electrical diagram. otherwise, i won't bother.
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