stupid blizzard and their blizzard downloader. Why can't they just put the trailer on http, the cheapskates? I wish they would give up on their distributed download system and make it easier on their customers to get their products.
I don't know why they don't make it for the consoles. Blizzard's been known for making games that have low sys-requirements in order to sell them to a broader audience. Making them for the 360 and the ps3 would be almost intelligent, I think.
Besides, I'm just waiting for a good reason to stop upgrading my PC with a $450 video card and a $500 processor/mobo combo every 12-18 months, along with the power supplies, the cases, the cooling systems, etc etc etc.
Basically I'm getting tired of the cost involved with computer gaming heh...
Anyways, sounds like a sweet sequel though
btw blizzard rocks, vivendi sucks