A few fish for sale (Richmond, BC)
Bi-Colour Blenny - $10 (good natured fish, had for about a year and a half, selling because he has grown to like the mantles of clams) 1.5-2"
Chevron Tang - $65 (again, good natured fish, eats anything out of hand, is now in adult colours with orange tail) Approx. 4" *SOLD*
Blue Hippo Tang - $25 (eats very well, very skiddish) Approx. 2" Note- last night when I caught her, she had no signs of ick but she has had the odd signs now and again - nature of this fish. As she is probably freaked out right now being away from 'her home tank' she will probably need quarantining.
Coral Beauty - $20 (eats anything, have yet to see it nip at any softies, lps or clams) Approx. 2" *SALE PENDING*
Black Cap (black and yellow head with white body) Damsel AKA 'Sammy' - FREE (as every other damsel on this earth, it eats well and could probably survive a nuclear bomb - not that I've tried =) ) Approx. 1" *SOLD*
All fish, other than the damsel, have been kept in a 120 Gallon (4 foot) mixed reef, I usually feed Formula Two Flakes and New Life Spectrum Pellets. Selling them because I took down my g/f's tank and had to make some room in my tank. Would really like to see the two tangs go to a similar sized tank.
Local Pick-up Only.
Go Canucks!
Last edited by j83; 05-26-2007 at 07:55 AM.
Reason: Update