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Old 05-15-2007, 02:24 AM
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Chipie Chipie is offline
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Location: Shippagan,NB,Canada
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Default My very first SW tank

Hi everyone,
Just want to show you all my very first sw tank. Its a Biocube 8.

I've got about 10 pounds of live rocks(some of it in the back chamber replacing the Bio balls)

10 pounds of live sand
50 watt stealth heater

An ocellaris Clown
A yellow tail Damsel
5 Hermit crabs

Green Candy cane
Feather dusters
2 kinds of zoos(not sure of the name)
1 sponge(hitchhiker)
Orange soft coral frags(2)

Still to come
Micro-jet 606
Hydor flo

And of course, lots of corals, polyps and mushrooms

I'm a total noob to sw so any suggestions would be appreciated. What about the aquascaping, does that look ok to you?

The pictures don't show the colors properly.

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