*where* did you get that fixture???
I've only seen the 9" 1x18w, never the 2x18w
I want
I'm so feh with my hood, it works but I'm using screw-in bulbs and I just don't like it, they're not easy to find and they don't get the lighting as even as I'd like.
Must let me know, and how much, too!
Originally Posted by christyf5
Its been awhile since I've posted a pic so here it is
Since I last posted I've battled flatworms, had an ongoing war with caulerpa lost about half of these to various issues (predation, lighting and some unknowns). I must say, keeping a smaller tank is just as challenging as a larger tank. I can grow algae even better in this one!
One thing about the fixture I chose (coralife 2x18W CF) is that its great for the first few months or so but the bulbs drop off pretty quickly (and the 2 bulbs cost as much as the fixture did!  ) I did try a 150W coralife hang on MH unit in January but soon discovered that its just too much for the tank. I ordered a 20K bulb from ebay which helped stem the tide but 150 watts is still a lot for a 5 gallon tank
Currently I'm back to the coralife compact fluorescent unit and purchased two new bulbs (only available in 50/50). Due to power issues in my new place I've decided not to set up the 150W again (the nano and the big tank are on the same circuit and I'm not sure if it can handle it.
Anyway, most of the predators are out of there for now. Theres still a clicking coming from the tank and I never did find the culprit during the move so he's in there for now or until he kills something.
