Hey everyone. For those who don't know, I work in a group home setting with youth, ages 13-17. The youth who live in the program all have PChIP status (Protection of Youth Involved in Prostitution). Some of them have expressed interest in setting up and maintaining a saltwater aquarium, but the social services sector isn't actually going to pony up any extra funds for this to happen! As these kids work past their issues on a day-to-day basis, I think it would be excellent to give them something to do. And I think we can all agree to the therapeutic benefits of an aquarium
SO. My question is....does anyone out there have an old, leftover skimmer or lights or tank or live rock or algae magnets or anything that they'd be willing to donate? I'm not in the business of asking for free stuff (well, not often

), but this isn't for me.
Let me know. If not, no quibble. I'll just have to get creative in other ways!