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Old 05-11-2007, 04:23 AM
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fishytime fishytime is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: E-town
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fishytime will become famous soon enough

Thanks alot ladies. Karen I upload my photos onto and then just copy and paste the link into my posts. Photobucket accounts are free. Its pretty easy. Hope you get it worked out. I would really like to see some pics of you guys tank. I would like a royal gramma too but they say it should be the last fish you introduce so will probably wait awhile.Was just at elite tonight and saw a fish or two that I may have to go back and get(green clown goby or six line wrasse). Not sure which one. He just got them in today and said to wait a couple days to make sure everything is cool. I wanna check Golds on Saturday anyway cause the prices are better there. Anyway keep workin on those pics.
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