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Old 05-11-2007, 12:10 AM
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Funky_Fish14 Funky_Fish14 is offline
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I must say, your system is probably one of the best thought-out I have yet to see around. It has alot of the primary features I've thought of or considered adding to any future upgrades for myself, and more, and you've managed to make them all work so well together.

I have only two questions:

1. The tank's 'body'(the wood frame/sides) does not appear to have much bracing or be very heavy? And the plywood doesnt look to be extremly thick, I would guess at maybe 5/8... 3/4" at most? What are the dimensions of the 'main' tank?

2. I notice on your (ingenous ofcourse) self-cleaning head for the skimmer, you 'squeegee' both sides of the cup neck, both inside the neck, where the column of foam rises, and also in the cup itself, where the foam would simply pass over the edge causing the bubbles to pop and skimmate to fall into the cup. Skimmate buildup in the cup itself I wouldnt think would affect the skimmate production? Aside for on the top rim itself, and maybe 1/4" down into the cup itself on the neck? Also, does your cleaner target the top lip or rim of the neck at all? Im sure the second squeegee inside the cup however would add stability to the 'tool' itself as it rotates as well?

Thank-you for entertaining my questions!

And thank-you very much for sharing your system here with everyone! Im sure your ideas have helped motivated many people in here and possibly helped solve some of their problems!


No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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