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Old 05-10-2007, 07:52 PM
Pier Pressure Pier Pressure is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 298
Pier Pressure is on a distinguished road

Looking good there, fishytime. We have figured out how to get the pictures from the camera onto the computer. Now just need to learn how to post pictures. Your birdsnest frag is doing awesome!

We started to restock after the death wave and picked up a pair of true percs and a royal gramma. I find my new royal gramma (female) is a lot smaller and less aggressive than the male that died. Might want to keep that in mind when purchasing a royal gramma. Golds had some last weekend and I grabbed a female. Very timid little thing who is just starting to come out of her cave in the last couple of days.

The firefish that survived the fish holocaust is rarely seen since I added the new fish. I would never get a firefish again, either. They are way too jumpy and do not come out of the rocks often enough. However, that must have saved it from whatever killed my other livestock.

Sweet tank!

Karen (a.k.a. Roderick on this forum)
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