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Old 05-07-2007, 01:09 AM
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vanreefer vanreefer is offline
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Default Ozone reactor pkg F/S

Hey Looking to sell my DIY ozone reactor system includes:

ORP controller (4 months old) and Enaly 200mg/h ozone generator and air dryers:
info on ozone:

ORP info:
Main ozone reactor: 8" x 16" deisgned to mix the ozone and water in a down tube (with an air stone) I'm using bio balls for media (to catch the bubbles) but was planning to change to bio bail avilable at OA.
Degasing reactor: used to romove excess ozone 4" X 12" I change carbon in this about once a month and can't detect the smell of ozone


all reactors are 1/4 cast acrylic, and don't leak although I put them in the sump for lack of space. I was able to easily keep the ORP (oxygen reduction potential) over 400 Mv with this system on 220 gal with moderate fish load.

PM with interest
Motivated seller as I am looking to try a different style of nutrient management
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