CAl and alk levels
Well As you know that I switched from sps to mixed reef. when i had my sps tank the levels were going like crazy... Now I have hardy anything in the tank for Calcium consumption I have 2 clams a going to be having 2 more in the next day squamosa and a maxima or so baby bubble, hammer coral, and some coraline. my levels has been the last month 420 CAL and ALk was a 10.2 I do about 5 gal water change every 2weeks or every4 weeks So is the levels staying consistent.
I have been checking the levels every week to keep up. Should I be checking every month then.
here is my levels over the last month.
CAL 420
Alk 10 range
temp 78.5
mag 1300
salinity 1.024
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.