Originally Posted by andsoitgoes
hate to be the one to do this but..... I told you so!!
He was a pretty guy, if you decide to do it again, go full on with a solid cover, eggcrate won't cut it and any other mesh might be an issue. Just go big or go home, unfortunately it's a risk with these guys and you're just asking for trouble.
I know...I know. I had originlly set up the tank with a glass top and 1 light strip, but then added another light and found it to awkward for feeding and maintenence. So... I used the mounting brackets for the lights to raise them up a little and the glass top doesnt work with the mounting brackets for the lights. Oh well live and learn right? Dont think I will get another firefish ( to skitish). Thinking maybe another ocellaris, a royal gramma, and either a yellow watchman goby, a yasha goby(if I can ever find 1) or a bi-color blenny.