I started with what I thought was a school of five Lyretail Anthias, hoping one would change. Of course, due to Murphy's Law, they split into separate groups & 4 turned into males. The dominant male killed or harrassed 2 of the subordinate males to death. I now have one dominant m, one subordinate m (hides in the rockwork), & one female Squarespot Anthias. Not exactly what I thought I was buying but the dom. male Squarespot is very beautifully coloured.
I have since added a male & 2 female Dispar, as well as a male Lyretail (A. squampinus). There seems to be a truce within the tank, but that might be because its a 220g & they get fed more than 3 times daily.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!