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Old 05-01-2007, 02:56 AM
rattler rattler is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Raymond,Alberta
Posts: 44
rattler is on a distinguished road
Default laminate floors

I had a cheap counter top water cooler that held five gallon jugs in my kitchen. Last year the valve started to leak on my laminate floor. Upon noticing the water spill I removed said cooler, cursing myself for buying a cheap one, and lifted the carpet that was under that spot. The laminate was warped at the edges where the water could penetrate the seams. The floors were only 6 months old at the time and I thought I was pooched, as replacing boards mid way through the floor does not look very easy. It went on my honey-do list. Lucky for me after the area dried out for a month (the list doesn't get done quickly around here) the floors were flat again. I would think that the construction of the floors sawdust and glue that they would not stand up to too much moisture. Having thrown away the cooler I now find out that it was just a mineral build up on the valve that is easily cleaned, grrrrr!

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