Thread: ID crab please
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:17 PM
Richy44 Richy44 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Saskatoon SK. Canada
Posts: 66
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Any idea how to catch this creature....very smart. After only 1 attempt to catch him, every time I approach the tank he quickly hides in the live rock. I have 300 lbs and it has been in for 5 years and I am not prepared to take it all out...Any ideas on how to catch him. I am going to try the large glass on an angle with some mussels in the bottom. If he goes in he wont be able to get out. Glass to slipery?/ just a thought. Any ideas?


Ive tried a fishhook soldered on to a coathange to stab him. hahaha. His shell is WAY to hard.

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