135 gal complete setup for sale (Calgary)
Like the title says, I would like to sell my complete system. The picture should give you a good idea. It is basically a 120 gal. tank except a little higher. The stand/canopy is an integrated custom setup that holds the lights, tank, sump, etc. Here is a basic list of parts:
- 135 gal tank (starfire front, 2 corner overflows, eurobrace) 18 months old
- Custom stand/canopy with built in lights above and sump below
- 2X250 MH lights + 2 X110 VHO atinics with fans and reflecor built in
- Sump with Oceanrunner return pump and AquaC 180 skimmer
- over 200 pounds of live rock
- many corals (some 18 years od) including sps, lps, mushrooms, 4 crocea clams, etc.
- 10 fish including 5 tangs (sohal, purple, yellow, hippo, naso), marine betta, coral beauty, flame hawk, etc.
Very unique system. Asking $3000. Replacement cost around $8000. Any interest? I have just been in the hobby too long and am too busy to give it the proper attention.