One other thing I've noticied, sorry if I'm giving my 0.02$ here, but I figure it would be good for everyone:
On the PC software, when you want to go in Maintenance mode, the controls are a little iffy ! I'm a software engineer, so I know how hard it is to get a good interface design

But, what I mean by a little iffy, is that when you go in maintenance mode, you have to first set the mode of your switchs (on or off) before checking the Maintenance mode active checkbox. Once you checked it, there's no turning back. If you forgot to activate or desactivate a switch, your screwed, you need to uncheck the Maintenance check box, and set your switches correctly and then recheck the maintenace check box.
My problem with this, is if for example I go in maintenance mode while all my lights are on and I want to simply desactivate my T5s and not the Metal Halides, but I forget to set one of the T5s on/off switch, I need to uncheck the maintenance box (and all my lights come back on..that's annoying) and then recheck it.
What would be great, is if once the Maintenance mode is checked, we can activate or desactivate (on/off) the outlets at will.
That's my 0.02$ for today !