Drilling glass - need some help/advice
Well, I am attempting to cut holes in the top of my tank. I have a glass cutting tool for my Dremel. Since I don't have the space to create an overflow (that and the bottom of the tank is tempered glass), would a hole in one end (for intake about 2" down from the top) and then plumb it so that there is another hole in the center and in the other corner (hopefully put a SQWD in there to assist) and have a 90 degree elbow so that there is no back flow (for if the power goes out and the return pump stops working). So am i correct in doing this way so far?
I wasn't sure how far down the hole should be drilled. Also, what size hole should I have for the bulkheads? 2" or 1.5"?
Fish are social just like humans, except for the fact that murder can happen in an aquarium and no one is there to investigate. Instead its like an all you can eat buffet for FREE!