Tank for sale
I have my livestock posted from this tank. When it is gone the tank will be ready for pick up. PM me if iterested. Thank you.
72 gal bow with overflow, custom maple stand, 20 gallon sump, and all pumps and good protein skimmer $600
4 foot coral life pro with 2 new 150 watt metal halides (12000K), 3 moonlights, 2- 65 watt pc actinic with legs etc. Mint condition $400 SOLD
1 Led moon light stand alone $20
1 Seo 1100 $50
1 Uv sterilizer 6 months old $50
assorted Various pumps, accessories, etc. $5-$15
72 gal bowfront reef. multiple zoos, ricordea, and tangs. 2X150 watt metal halide, 2X55 watt cp, and moonlights. 28 gal seahorse tank, with 1 pair of seahorses.
Last edited by cag; 05-03-2007 at 03:50 AM.
Reason: updated list