Murray according to the research I have done on sea apples, if they release the toxin they are done. They blow up to volleyball size and die after the release of the toxin. Elite has sea apples in many of their tanks, and I was informed that they have seen feeder tentacles pulled off and a sea apple actually cut in half and in neither case did they release the toxin.
The green bubble tip anemone hosts a white caribbean crab who is still alive and fine, and the white sebae is located right next to my open brain and xenia and they are fine, too.
I could see the poison thing being a reality if everything did indeed die. But the hermit crabs, emerald crab, sea apples, anemones, etc. are all fine. Why didn't they die, too?
Also what about that crazy firefish? How come he is still alive and fine, though appears skittish as stated?
I have no idea what could kill all those creatures overnight but if I find anything I will certainly let you know.
I just had a thought - I bought a gi-normous brittle star (purple and black in colour) a few months ago. He disappeared into the rocks and we laughed and laughed at having spent $35 on a creature we have only seen once.
Well, I managed to catch a glimpse of one of his arms yesterday and he is huge. Could one of those kill the creatures if so inclined? I am going to look that up right away.
Thing is - that brittle star has been in there for months. Why kill so suddenly? And isn't it a coincidence that I put new coral frags and a gsp rock in that day, and suddenly everybody is dead less than twelve hours later?
Thank you for all of your help, guys, here and on AA. It will drive me crazy until I figure it out. And I do not want to put more livestock into a death zone without knowing what killed everybody.