slow i know, being sick this weekend allowed me to have time to scour for pics.
The largest amount of time and effort was put into the skimmer(s).
Always an ongoing saga for me, on this system it started here....
The first trial was another single beckett injected skimmer similar in size to a Bullet 3.
This one i knew was a bit undersized at the time, so an experiment was done using a single housing, but 2 becketts in it.
This one also had a spray bar to clean the neck, a later scrapped idea.
To be honest, i dont think that one even got anymore than tested before another was built.
The next one i wanted to try several idea`s, I hated most venturi`s becuase of the too small holes in i wanted to make my own type.
These i made out of solid acrylic, so i could see if they got plugged or not.
Here is how i tested them,
The skimmers injector housing had to be removable to continuously change and test these, aswell as injector tower hieghts.
Here`s a version with 2 of them,
These were being tested while the skimmer had no change in neck diam and no cup to speak of.
In these pics you can see i just bulkheaded the top, and it just spit the foam out the side.
Then another injector was added ,aswell as heightened injector towers.
And an auto shut off.... good testing requires that you flood out your house several times during your build before making one of these.
Then, for some unknown reason, i had to play more...