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Old 04-14-2007, 07:59 AM
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bulletsworld is on a distinguished road
Default Aquarium lets shark go after 137 days in captivity

I love happy endings.

I dream of letting go of my porcupine puffer, back to the big sea. Just cause he's been with me so long. If only they would let me on the plane with him and I knew where he actually came from. I wouldn't feel so bad about the hobby if you could keep them for a few months and feel good bringing them back to the ocean where they belong. *sigh*

Reading ads claiming in 2037 there will be no fish in the ocean. Hope that never happens.


Am I the only one that feels guilt some days for keeping our creature friends captive?
~ LeeWorld ~

"Not using a quarantine tank is like playing Russian roulette. Nobody wins the game, some people just get to play longer than others." - Anthony Calfo
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