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Old 04-12-2007, 03:08 AM
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justinl justinl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 1,245
justinl is on a distinguished road

hahaha man you got this ALL planned out eh? lol well done, well done.

well i got final exams until the 18th, so not until after then... until then ill be scrambling realising how screwed i am. for now Im listening to the hockey game ans well... procrastinating. it's what i do best! after that though, come on over any time! Ill be moving trogdor to an 8gal biocube which will become a mantis reef tank over time. the 60gal will probably become a coldwater tank in the somewhat more distant future but will for the moment be a FOWLR.

hmmm... maybe ill get a small volitan from JL and get a 100gal when it grows... muahaha...
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